Monday, December 31, 2007

All you need is love

Wow. Our engagement party was amazing, and so was going out last night with our friends.
Sometimes I take for granted how wonderful my friends & family really are.
Sure sometimes people act like asses, but in the end I truly feel loved.
It was nice to have Cat and Jake here, too.

I'm going to talk with Kate and see if she has some ideas for dresses. I'm not sure if she would be up for making hte actual dress, but we'll see.

I'm just babysitting the baby bro tonight. I need hte extra cash. If I get done early enough, we might go to New Brunswick for a smal lparty. No matter what, we're heading up there tomorrow to see Juno. Very excited.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


I can't believe how fast the holiday season passed. We were so busy that it just flew right by.
We still have the engagement party this sunday, which I'm definitely looking forward to. I've gotten to see my family so much. It's great. There's not really anything else new going on right now. I can't wait to get back to my regular schedule!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

1st Blog

Tonight at dinner my mom's fortune cookie said "You may feel as through you're walking in mud. Just keep going."
Have you ever felt as though you were walking in mud? Like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you'll do whatever it takes to get there? That's how I feel. The wedding is less than a year and a half away but it seems like there's so many obstacles to overcome before it can be a reality. I need a new job, Rob needs to graduate & find a job, we need to find a place to live. Yikes! So much more to do involving the planning of the wedding itself.
I suppose I just have to look towards the good times that are ahead.
PS I'm afraid to go on my first cruise this weekend! I'm such a pansy!

Now playing: Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark
via FoxyTunes